About Us

SuperchickCrafts consists of a husband and wife duo...We have never and will likely never be a big giant company, at least not what we think will happen, but never know what could happen!  We started off just as a brain child of Holly's (wife/myself) several years ago but never really had a name that truly fit.  Jon (husband) oversees the digital and technical aspects where some of my expertise lacks, I've always been great with customers and the whole customer experience and products, which makes us very unique and makes our dynamic duo work so well!

I originally started an Etsy store back in 2017 (Wreathes N Things) because I was on a burlap making kick when we first lived together in our first apartment...unfortunately never amounted to anything because I was ill experienced in marketing and such so it fell by the wayside, I still continued to craft and make things because I always enjoyed making something with my hands.  Having been an only child with a crafty mom also did not help, she wanted me to know how to make things for myself so I could be self-sustaining...which I had sewn a few dresses for myself when I was younger but it was too much work and I was easily discouraged when I couldn't get my seams straight so I haven't touched a sewing machine in over a decade.


Then the Covid-19 pandemic struck our household in April 2020...both of us were either furloughed or entirely unemployed.  We did our part to stay safe and healthy, I got a new job at the winery we had gotten married at only the prior October, started immediately...soon thereafter, in October Jon got a new job as well.  December; I bought my first Cricut machine and instantly fell in love then that spurred me into restarting the business I had wanted to start, I was able to do that in January 2021.  It's been slow, growing a community and trying to get traction and love for the products with a few sales here and there...a couple from friends, others from complete strangers that found our TikTok videos and became some of the almost 1500 followers and is still growing.

Come February 2021 Jon had a widow-maker class heart attack sending him to the hospital.  While he was in the hospital in the height of the pandemic unable to be with my husband due to COVID restrictions in hospitals only allowing visitors for end of life patients, I found solace in crafting to distract my mind from wandering and worrying about the many things racing through my mind.  After he came home we later discovered his heart attack was late term effects of his cancer treatments as a child which was progressing into heart failure and at a pretty fast rate.  Luckily, by mid 2021 vaccines were available for the general public, I was able to get the vaccine a little earlier due to working in agriculture, since a winery is considered such so I hopped on getting it as quickly as I could, I knew it would help those unable to get the vaccine in the end including Jon...we were unsure if he would even be able to get vaccinated due to his condition at the time, we then found out that there would not be any issues so we went for it.